Women’s participation in our center at Shagun Charitable Foundation will give them the proper opportunity to get into the world of the political and social sphere, which was not granted by the public and for-profit sectors. We will work hard to alleviate poverty right among women, and focusing on properly advocating the current rights for women. Shagun Charitable Foundation will soon bring changes in women’s lives. We have already planned to play some significant roles in enforcing rights as provided by Indian legislation. We will offer some significant opportunities towards women, especially under the underprivileged belts, by promoting women’s self-employment. For that, weplan to cover some of the most significant ways to follow.
We will plan for the poor women and offer them the right golden chances of enjoying self-employment. The main goal is to help them improve their economic and social status. We will also cultivate the habit of credit and thrift among the poorer women for improving their current lifestyle.
We willhost multiple programs, where these poor women are taught various skills and sharpen their existing ones. We have other special programs on how to protect women from dangerous scenarios through basic martial training. So, we are not just making women independent financially, but physically as well.
Shagun Charitable Foundation will work hard with women to help generate awareness based on legal rights.We will work hard to cut down the cost of middlemen and ensure that producers get the proper price for their work. We will also teach women to calculate their price well so that they never get fooled by others.
Based on the current condition of economic liberalization, our team will also get involved in equipping the self-employed women with technology, knowledge, training, managerial techniques, and information as per their requirements. It differentiates based on the area the woman has chosen to specialize in.
We willcreateWomen Self Help Groups to recognize an effective strategy for women empowerment in urban and rural sectors. It helps in bringing all the women together from various sectors to fight for their legal rights. These groups will work on multiple issues like income generation sections, nutrition, health, agriculture, and more.
As the entire empowerment of women is highly dependable on the current economic empowerment; therefore, wewill follow some of the significant techniques for empowering women.
We will create and educating awareness, especially among backward women of the rural communities.
Furthermore, we will mobilize optimum plans and resources, and furthermore implement projects bearing women empowerment.
Shagun Charitable Foundation will also represent issues mostly faced by rural women to the relevant authorities and carry out impact policy assessments that are affecting women.
Moreover, we will also install leadership qualities among the women class to ensure that they participate in the empowerment movement.
We also strive to currently improve girl’s retention, enrolment and academic performance in various schools. For that, we will create special programs and get them to participate in multiple training programs and impact vocational skills. We will train them to self-manage their current economic activity.
Despite such unending efforts from our side towards rural women and empowerments, the reality is somewhat different. Women, even to this date, don’t have the power to invest money in the way they want to and are not yet empowered. There is so much more work to be done. Those people, who are associated with the world of social work and also volunteering, must be given public availability to the resources like mentoring programs and training services for supporting proper NGO establishments. These establishments will play a major role in fighting against issues in an effective manner, as faced by women daily.
All-in-all, it can be stated that Shagun Charitable Foundation will play a significant role in bringing some drastic changes in the lives of women, especially the rural zone. Now, women can make their own decisions without any force from others. They have even contributed to the increasing literacy rate and improved health conditions.
For proper gender equality, it is vital for us to work more towards women’s causes and to cover all sectors like households, economic, education, and more.